As a child, the word I hated the most
The association with disciple everyone boast
Unnatural and artificial expression ever taught
Silence, I hated the most!!
A block to freedom and a threat to perfection
An eerie feeling and a sense of inaction
Loneliness, fear and a downpour of emotion
Silence, I hated the most!!
Finally came a day, the day of revelation
Silence, I chose by miracle, an urge of creation
A choice of mine became a thing of elation
Silence, I chose by myself!!
Seconds, minutes and hours, can't recollect
The experience of bliss can't recreate
Complete awareness and sense of existence, that was it
Silence, I marvel at it!!
Reality as never experienced before
Joy, the word it seems scarcely meager
The me, expanding bigger and wider
Silence, the infinity I realized!!
A behavior, to be taught with freedom
An action, one must choose with wisdom
A character, to climb a higher kingdom
Silence, the answer extending births and deaths!!!